Monday, August 31, 2009

Backstop Poles Installed

Today six 50 foot poles were set behind the existing backstop fencing. The poles were set into 10 foot holes, aligned and then cement was poured to secure their positions. This is the first step in the backstop project but already it looks great.

Not sure how long the current backstop fence has been in place but seems like more than 20 years. The fence backstop is just too short and we have way too many foul balls leave the playing field into the parking lot. Over the last couple of years we have had about 11 windows shattered.

The next step is to dig the footing for the above ground brick wall. The netting from the top of the poles will attach to the brick wall.

Lots to do yet but things are really starting off fantastically.

1 comment:

  1. Where did you get your poles??? We are looking to do the same thing but can't find the poles. Thanks
