Sunday, September 6, 2009

Brick Wall Backstop Completed

Today we completed the brick portion of the backstop wall. Several bricklayers and laborers worked two long days laying 13 courses of hard red brick. Brick so strong that it will turn away the fastest of fast balls. The length of the brick wall backstop measures 210 feet going from the 1st to the 3rd base dugout.

Now we wait on the limestone caps to top off the brick wall. Then the netting gets installed rising forty approximately 40 feet into the air.

After the fall league ends we will be taking out the existing fencing, knocking down the current score booth and extending the field behind home plate. Batting averages will drop as more foul balls will be outs.

Thanks to Tom Cordogan and all the bricklayers and laborers that built the wall.


  1. That looks nice,
    My son for his boy scout eagle project in conjunction with the rec department here in our town are going to build something similar to your backstop for the local field, do you have plans you might want to share?

  2. What was the approx. cost of the project. We are thinking of doing something like it.
